Supporting peace and development 

Tejpar Consulting provides analysis and capacity building expertise to peace and development initiatives. With experience from more than 20 countries, we support a wide range of organizations, including the UN and the EU, to make their programs and projects as efficient and impactful as possible. Our work spans peacekeeping, peacebuilding, the women, peace, and security agenda (WPS), and various aspects of security sector governance and reform (SSG/R), including public financial management. Ultimately, we aim to contribute to sustainable peace and development.

What We Do


Our evaluation services include mid-term reviews and final evaluations. We are skilled in designing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks, developing theories of change, and employing both qualitative and quantitative methodologies such as interviews, focus groups, and surveys. When possible, we use data-driven analysis and always ensure evidence-based conclusions. Our utilization-focused approach safeguards relevant results that contribute to accountability, learning, and effective future programming.


We deliver capacity-building support tailored to peacebuilding and public administration reform initiatives. Our services include facilitating program and policy design, supporting change management processes to improve team cooperation and decision-making. We also deliver training and provide technical advice on good governance, gender mainstreaming, and public financial management. By prioritizing locally driven processes, leveraging local expertise and employing a participation-based methodology, we ensure sustainable and impactful change.


We offer a variety of analytical services, including desk reviews, feasibility studies, case studies, and comprehensive program evaluations. Through conflict and stakeholder analyses, we identify conflict drivers and opportunities for intervention to foster conflict resolution and build sustainable peace. Our approach is evidence-based, ensuring actionable insights.

 Gender Equality

With expertise in the women, peace, and security agenda, we offer services that promote gender equality in development initiatives. We assist organizations with gender analyses and provide advice on integrating gender mainstreaming into their programs, whether they focus on conflict prevention, peacebuilding, or public administration reform. Additionally, we specialize in gender-responsive budgeting – a critical tool for advancing gender equality in public administration.

Empowering Programs in Fragile Contexts

Tejpar Consulting is a small and agile consultancy firm with a global reach. We have experience across four continents and 20+ countries, supporting organizations such as UN Women, UN OIOS, the European Commission, and Swedish government agencies like the Folke Bernadotte Academy, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, and the Swedish Armed Forces. 

A hallmark of our work is generating knowledge and fostering learning - whether through evaluations, workshops, or policy implementation. We put local experts and partners in the centre seeing our role as to provide them with the right tools to lead processes. Our governance expertise, gained from national government roles combined with international capacity-building experience, equips us to provide realistic, context-sensitive perspectives on public sector governance and reform.

We understand the complexities and challenges inherent in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and public administration reforms.  By combining evidence-based analysis with flexibility, we adapt our support to evolving circumstances and needs, always striving to contribute to informed decision-making.


 Eddie Yee Woo Guo - Former Director, UN OIOS Inspection and Evaluation Division
"I have had the pleasure to work with Mr. Tejpar on several occasions over the past decade. He has been an appreciated consultant that quickly integrated in our team. Mr Tejpar is a skilled evaluator and displayed great knowledge and maturity when navigating the complexities of UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding."
Tamar Sabedashvili - Deputy Representative, UN Women Georgia
"Mr. Tejpar delivered a very well-designed and ambitious study tour to Sweden for Georgian civil servants. Beyond planning and securing relevant meetings, his facilitation and active involvement, combined with his knowledge about gender equality in Sweden, elevated the learning exchange in ways we could not have anticipated."
Åke Roghe - Former Head of Mission, EU Police Training Mission to Afghanistan
"Mr. Tejpar's management of EUPOL’s analysis, evaluation and reporting work was outstanding. He was proactive, ambitious and provided clear recommendations on both strategic and operational issues. I was also impressed by how he managed staff and supported colleagues in other parts of the mission."

About Tejpar Consulting

Tejpar Consulting was founded by Johan Tejpar, who has over 15 years of professional experience working with the UN, the EU, and the Swedish government. Passionate about sustainable peace and development, Johan has consciously alternated between national government roles and international assignments to gain expertise that bridges the two domains. His experience includes peacebuilding and supporting SSG/R in the DRC and Afghanistan, evaluating UN peace operations and humanitarian support, negotiating the EU's multi-annual financial framework, overseeing Sweden’s SDG implementation budget, and working at the Swedish Prime Minister’s Office and in a cabinet for an EU Commissioner.

The name "Tejpar" is Ismaili and has Persian origins, symbolizing brightness, clarity, and wisdom – values that guide our work. These principles, combined with our commitment to gender equality, do-no-harm approaches, conflict sensitivity and climate awareness form the foundation of this consultancy.

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+256 775 600 129

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